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I have below expression in my text object.
=sum(IF([Month of Expense]=MONTH(Today()),
IF([Year of Expense]=YEAR(Today()),[Expense Amount (USD)])))
In the above expression all the local amount(DIFFERENT CURRENCY TYPES) has been converted to USD and that converted field is [Expense Amount (USD)].
now by default I want the text box to display USD amount as per the above expression.
Now I have a list box with diff currency types and also I a have another field called Expense Amount(Local) which has amount in local currency.when I select any of the currency types from the list box Currency I want the value to be changed accordingly or I want to use the below expression.
sum(IF([Month of Expense]=MONTH(Today()),
IF([Year of Expense]=YEAR(Today()),[Expense Amount (Local)])))
can I put ,
getselected(Currencytype) then
sum(IF([Month of Expense]=MONTH(Today()),
IF([Year of Expense]=YEAR(Today()),[Expense Amount (Local)]))) else
sum(IF([Month of Expense]=MONTH(Today()),
IF([Year of Expense]=YEAR(Today()),[Expense Amount (USD)])))
Not sure how to write expression for the above logic in a proper way.
Thank you very much.
Are you looking for something like
=If( GetSelectedCount( Currencytype )>0,
sum(IF([Month of Expense]=MONTH(Today()),
IF([Year of Expense]=YEAR(Today()),[Expense Amount (Local)])))
,sum(IF([Month of Expense]=MONTH(Today()),
IF([Year of Expense]=YEAR(Today()),[Expense Amount (USD)])))
Are you looking for something like
=If( GetSelectedCount( Currencytype )>0,
sum(IF([Month of Expense]=MONTH(Today()),
IF([Year of Expense]=YEAR(Today()),[Expense Amount (Local)])))
,sum(IF([Month of Expense]=MONTH(Today()),
IF([Year of Expense]=YEAR(Today()),[Expense Amount (USD)])))
Great.Thank you very much.