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Current month versus last year same month(dimesnions:Year,Quarter&Month)

Please explain the below expression with examples, if any?

(Sum({$<PeriodID = {"$(=Max(PeriodID))"}, Year = , Quarter = ,

Month = , Period = > } [# Participant Performed])


Sum({$<PeriodID = {"$(=Max(PeriodID) - 12)"}, Year = , Quarter = ,

Month = , Period = > } [# Participant Performed]))

- 1

1 Reply

It's work as

Sum of the Performed where PeriodID is Maximum and few sorting to effective when they are doing selection divide by Sum of the Performed where PeriodID is Maximum-12 -  Assume(You maximum date is 31-12-2016 then this -12 will return only 19-12-2016 {This may give Number format, You can use Date if you like}) and few sorting to effective when they are doing selection

Finally, Dec 31 2016 Performed sum / Dec 19 2016 Performed with filter few as you mentioned

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful