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I am having problem where when i enter the date from 11/01/2014 through 11/09/2014 in my input box, it only pulls data from 11/01/2014-11/08/2014....it doesn't pull data that dated 11/09/2014.
What am i missing?
In the Load statement, i have it set as:
Date("CollectorAudit.DateActionCompleted",'MM/DD/YYYY h:mm:ss[.fff] TT') as "Action Completed",
In my Chart properties for the date dimension i have it set as
=Date(if([Action Completed]>ActionCompletedFrom and [Action Completed]<ActionCompletedTo,[Action Completed],""))
in the Document Properties > Triggers > variable Event Trigger for date i have it set to
='>=' & ActionCompletedFrom &' 12:00:00 AM' & '<=' & ActionCompletedTo &' 11:59:59 PM'
Any help will be greatly appreciated....Thanks!
Thank you, it is working now. Thank you all who provided feedbacks.
I am using the following for load script:
Date(Floor("CollectorAudit.DateActionCompleted")) as "Action Completed",
Then in the Chart properties > Dimension Expression
=Date(if([Action Completed]>=ActionCompletedFrom and [Action Completed]<=ActionCompletedTo,[Action Completed],""))
Try this in load script
Date("CollectorAudit.DateActionCompleted",'MM/DD/YYYY h:mm:ss TT') as "Action Completed",
Try this in Load script...doesn't work either.
In the Document Properties > Number setting for Action Completed , i select Number format = Date ; Format pattern : MM/DD/YYYY h:mm:ss TT
Could you attach your qvw?
did you try <= instead of < in your chart dimension?
In the Chart Dimension i tried:
=Date(if([Action Completed]>ActionCompletedFrom and [Action Completed]<=ActionCompletedTo,[Action Completed],""))
Doesn't work either.
Due to customer's data integrity issue, i am not allow to upload qvw file.
can you post a sample qvw? formatting with dates can be a little tricky sometimes but we can take a look.
you could scramble and reduce data so no meaningful data gets transmitted and customer's data integrity is still in tact. check this document out http://community.qlik.com/docs/DOC-1290
I'd rather avoid using hh:mm:ss altogether. That is, it is safer to use <'11/10/2014' than <='11/09/2014 11:59:59 PM' - fewer possibilities to make mistakes in format.