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Hy Qlikers,
I use an input box with "Predefined value In drop-Down" .
I would like users can't enter a value (even a value in the list) in this box, just a clik to open list.
I think it's not possible to prevent users to try to enter any values (even if they aren't accepted through the restrictions) - at least not with the inutbox itself. An alternatively could be to put a transparent textbox over the inputbox and just make the drop-down accessable.
Personally I would probably add an error-message to the inputbox, maybe something like this:
"not a valid entry - only listed values could be used"
- Marcus
You must to check the options "Only predefined values" and add a values list
I did that already,
but still user can enter a value (not accepted finally).
I would like to lock acces in the input.
In the dialog window above, uncheck "Enable Edit Expression Dialog" and check "Predefined values in drop-down", it will take the values defined in the "Listed Values" box.
EDIT: also check "Predefined Values Only"
I think it's not possible to prevent users to try to enter any values (even if they aren't accepted through the restrictions) - at least not with the inutbox itself. An alternatively could be to put a transparent textbox over the inputbox and just make the drop-down accessable.
Personally I would probably add an error-message to the inputbox, maybe something like this:
"not a valid entry - only listed values could be used"
- Marcus
That's a good trick !
thanks to all of you.
By the way ,
is it possible to change color of black arrow and get it bigger ?
You can achieve almost this (not the error message but still) by setting up the constraints. It will let the user input something but that "something" will not be stored, going back to the latest selected value or the first according to the list of values.
However if the user has access to the variable overview (i.e.: using Desktop) the variable could be changed there.
I'd rather use a field.
AFAIK this couldn't be changed. Like Miguel mentioned a field (within an island-table and created with an inline-load) might be an alternatively to the inputbox and the variable.
By using a multibox or maybe even better by using a table-chart: http://www.qlikfix.com/2014/07/08/building-nicer-dynamic-multibox/ you could get quite near to the inputbox behaviour by being a "bit" more flexible in regard to multi-lines and colors but I fear not to the size of the arrow ... But maybe a normal listbox would then also be fullfill the purpose.
- Marcus