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Displaying rows with null date values


I'm trying to make a bookmark using advanced search in order to display rows in a table with null date values.

When I set this :

= [date_test] <> ''
(the same with null()) or
=IsNull([date_test]) = 0

it works (displaying only rows without null values in this field, but when I try the opposite :

=[date_test] = ''
(the same with null())or
=IsNull([date_test]) = 1

it doesn't work. The filter doesn't give me good results. It should display rows with null values in this table.

Why ?

2 Replies


IsNull( expr )
Returns -1 (true) if expr returns NULL, otherwise 0 (false).

Not applicable

I am trying to create a bookmark to pull only those records where the data is in one table but no match in the other table.


Product ID is in Sales table but the Product ID is not yet added to the Product table.

THus the Product Name is Null in the query

I tried the below and no luck

=IsNull([Product Name]) = 1