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Do More with Qlik - Qlik Cloud Analytics Recap and Getting Started, June 19: REGISTER
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Displaying time with a slider object

Hi everyone,

I could need some help with my slider object.

Generally, I want to display the hours (and maybe minutes) of the day and let the user decide which time frame he/she wants to look at.

At the same time I want this slider object to be connected to a certain time field (Änderungszeit), which, however, does not cover all hours of the day, but only starts at 08:24 and ends at 23:53. I need the connection to this field to make sure a selection on the slider leads to certain data being displayed.

Therefore, I currently created the slider object on the basis of the time field "Änderungszeit'. This gives me the following object

As mentioned, not all hours of the day are being displayed. Secondly, the scale might seem a bit caotic to a user, since the displayed minutes do not come with a certain interval or range.

The other problem with this object is the way it is displayed. For some reason the scale is not expanding to the full space available, but only displays as shown before. If I change the label orientation to vertical it expands to full range (see below), but I rather would like to keep the label horizontally oriented. Any suggestions how to fix this?

Thankful for any help and suggestions.



4 Replies
Specialist II
Specialist II

Not applicable

Thanks for your quick reply, Andrè.

The above posts do not exactly answer my question, however, I managed to create a slider with all hours of the day and also the layout worked out, finally.

Now, I have a slider displaying all 24 hours, but it is not connected to the rest of the data. Consequently, a selection on the slider does not lead to a certain result.

Is there an option to connect the slider to my existing field (Änderungszeit)?



Specialist II
Specialist II

Not applicable

Hey André,

unfortunately, this is still not what I am looking for.

The link gives me the option to use a field as basis for my object, but this is what I had before (see first post) and would mean I can't have all required 24 hours displayed.

So currently, it seems like an either - or - option. Either I have my field invovled and can only display the given range of hours by that field OR I have all hours of the day, but no connection to the rest of my data. 

But what I want is:

Have all 24 hours of the day displayed on the slider, but be connected to my field at the same time.

I hope my requirement becomes a bit clearer this way.

