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Dollar $ Expansion Expression and Division

During my load script I'm loading in numerous expressions from a master file (currently in an Excel workbook).   I've also created an inline table, RoundTo, to let the user apply rounding. The values are 1, 1000, and 1000000.

When I add my expression I'm setting the definition as =$(e_My_Expression) and it works just as expected.  However, when I try to apply my rounding using =$(e_My_Expression)/RoundTo the division is completely ignored.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


6 Replies

Could you share your sample app?

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I guess the problem is that RoundTo field is having 3 values.

so, when you are dividing ur expression with 'RoundTo' field then its not taking any of the value.

You need to select atleast one value of RoundTo field all the time so that it takes one value and divide it with your expression.



Not applicable

Hi Erika - I do have the restriction applied, so that doesn't seem to be the issue.  The app has a list box with 1, 1000, and 1000000 with "always one selected value" enabled.


Have a look at the attached sample. Hope this helps.

Not applicable

For some odd reason it works if I put the expression in an Inline load (like you did), but if I load in from Excel is does not work.


If you load the expressions from excel they're just text values. You can't expand those to get a different expression for each row. If you want that kind of thing you'll have to create a variable that contains pick-match expression. See this discussion: Expressions in Fields

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