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Pls can any one help me out to use in Statement in Sql i have script like bellow ie:
thx in adavance
ReviewStatus in ('N','R','RED','YELLOW') ;Could you re-paste that in? What error are you getting?
ReviewStatus in ('N', 'R', 'RED', 'YELLOW') seems okay, but we need more info to determine the problem.
Hi NMiller.
thanks for your suggestion.sorry for dealy to reply. im lodaing filr form text file my load script as bellow.
(txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, delimiter is '|', msq)
where ReviewStatus in ('N' ,'R' ,'RED' )
If this is not working then take a resident of the table and use the following script.
Load * resident Table where wildmatch(ReviewStatus,'N','R','RED','YELLOW')>0;
will work fine.
This is not a SQL statement. SQL statements start from SELECT, not from LOAD. What you have is the QlikView LOAD statement, and it does not use in(). You can use match instead:
where match(ReviewStatus,'N' ,'R' ,'RED')
Thx Manesh,
but i wanted use in statment while loading only .why i need to create once again resident table if it possible handle in same stament. is there any other way or any Sql Load i has to use.
Thx Micchael.
I wll try this .
hi thx its working without Error. its simlary to SqlServer IN Statement ?
U can use this code.
where match(Quarter,'1')>0;
Similar but not exactly.
match() is comparing the exact case-sensitive values
wildmatch() is case-insentive, and you can use wildcards: wildmatch(field, '*abc*', '*de*', '*fg*'). Someithnig you can compare to "like", but for multiple values.