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I am getting error when i am trying to write calculated dimension in my chart properties >>> Dimensions
This is the dimension:
=aggr(only({$(vFitlerStates)}OrderID), OrderID)
But for remaining people it is working, only for me it's not working can you guys please help me out from this
Note: All People are working on same thing
What is vFitlerStates?
Usually if you use set expression ,it would be something like this:
=aggr(only({$( FieldName = {'$(vFitlerStates)')}OrderID), OrderID)
May be missing '<>' in set expression, not sure though-
=aggr(only({<$(vFitlerStates)>}OrderID), OrderID)
Hi Sudhakar,
I think you are using alternate state. Is your alternate state name having any spaces? If so, try,
=aggr(only({[$(vFitlerStates)]}OrderID), OrderID)
Is this question related to your thread
Passing a set of filters in qlikview
Maybe also helpful:
Passing a set of filters in qlikview
Thank you Marco Wedel
Hi Macro,
In this link what ever you attached qvw file is not opening. It is showing error (failed to load)
I am using Desktop Edition
can you please share that file again, so that it will very useful for me
Thanks in advance
Hi Marco,
In this link what ever you attached qvw file is not opening. It is showing error (failed to load)
I am using Desktop Edition
can you please share that file again, so that it will very useful for me
Thanks in advance
please find attached an example using the data included in your thread Passing a set of filters in qlikview
LOAD survey,
[prod ctg],
[char type],
[rate 1],
[rate 2],
[rate 3],
FROM [https://community.qlik.com/thread/294525] (html, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, table is @1);
=vSelSets&If(Len(GetCurrentSelections()),If(Len(vSelSets),'+')&'1<['&GetCurrentSelections(Chr(39)&'}, [',']={''',Chr(39)&','&Chr(39))&Chr(39)&'}>')
hope this helps
Hi Marco
Thank you very much