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Hi, i have an error while i'm trying to store data from a resident table into a qvd file.
this is my code:
Store * From mantenimiento Into $(pathQVD)mantenimiento.qvd (qvd);
I debuged my code looking for a sintax error or a wrong path and everything is right.
When i execute the script, it stopped and says "Script Finished". Then it asked me if i want to reload data because an error has ocurred.
I would be grateful for your response.
Well, when i tried to delete the qvd file, it doesn't allow me bacause "was opened by another application"...
then i restart my pc and i reload data and it works without problems...
Thank to all for your responses.
Hi Alexander
Try to remove to word 'from' from your command, like this:
Store mantenimiento Into $(pathQVD)mantenimiento.qvd (qvd);
I hope it'll work.
Store mantenimiento Into $(pathQVD)mantenimiento.qvd;
Thanks i tried it, but i obtain the same result "Execution of Script failed. Raleoad old data?".
the error could be because the folder that is inside your variable pathQVD doesn't exist. Make sure that folder is created before you execute the script,
Hi try
Store mantenimiento Into $(pathQVD)\mantenimiento.qvd;
Slash was missing
Hi, i'm sure that exist...i copied the variable content while debugging and pasted it on my explorer and this is correct.
I don't understand why not stored it...i have three tables stored before execute this line and it not throw errors
Hi, my variable has "\" included into the value.
Hi alexander
Go to your pathQVD Location> Delete mantenimiento.qvd
Now, again Reload. It will work now and no error will occur.
Correct format is:
From Location;
Store TAblename into path\abc.qvd(qvd);
Hope that works.
Aviral Nag
Hi Alexander,
Are you trying to store the qvd on a network drive?