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I need to format a pivot table with every other row shaded and can't figure out how to do it. Is it possible, and if so, how?
Hi Alissa,
In your chart properties, go to expression tab,click the + on expression, select background colour and write the expression =If(Even(RowNo(TOTAL)), RGB(255, 255, 255), RGB(204,204,204)).
Refer attached screenshot and qlikviewdocument for detail information. Hope it helps.
Hi Alissa,
Go to Settings-> User preference -> Design -> Check "Always Show design menu item". Click ok.
Now right click on your chart cell and you will find an option "Custome format cell".
From here you can change the text and background color"
See here formatting in pivot table....urgent explained with screenshots
Otherwise you can change the style of the pivot table from style TAB.
Thank you for your response. But, I have a pivot table that I need every other row shaded. The response you provided allows me to shade ALL DIMENSIONS or ALL EXPRESSIONS together. It does not all for every other row. Do you have any other suggestions? Example row 1, back ground white, row 2 background gray, row 3 background white, row 4 background gray. Thank you for your help!!
Thank you for your response. I go to the Style tab and even if I pick a style that says it is striped every 1 row, it fills the entire table with the same background color. Any suggestions?
Thank you.
Does this looks like something you want?
Yes! This is what I am needing to do! How did you do this?
You in your chart properties -- > in Tab Dimensions --> Used Dimension section, expand the dimension you'll have 'Background color'. In this use expression like --> '=if(Odd(RowNo()),red(),white())'
You can use the same in your expression bg also
Hi Alissa,
In your chart properties, go to expression tab,click the + on expression, select background colour and write the expression =If(Even(RowNo(TOTAL)), RGB(255, 255, 255), RGB(204,204,204)).
Refer attached screenshot and qlikviewdocument for detail information. Hope it helps.
This worked great!!! Thank you!