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Freeze panes - Extensions or Javascript samples

Hi All,

I am currently working on creating a QlikView Dashboard where I want to freeze the top quarter of my dashboard; which includes the tabs that users can select and the filters that they can apply. I want users to be able to view the menu and tabs when they scroll down the page.

I understand that the Excel 'freeze panes' functionality is not native to QlikView. Are there any extensions that I can download to achieve my objective? If so, what extension would I need to download and how would I go about enabling a freeze panes functionality in QlikView?

Your assistance is much appreciated.

6 Replies
Not applicable

To clarify, you want it to all to be fixed to the top of the screen?

Creator II


could you please share the smaple screen shot..

Not applicable


It doesn't do anything for objects at the top, but i suppose an extension could override the default CSS like i did here and then maybe you could get a list of object id's that  you want to stay stuck, then apply the CSS to make them stick.

Not applicable

Is this what you were looking to do...but with objects?

Creator III

Hello Michael

I have been looking for a working example where my menu stays in place at the top of the page and this will allow the user to scroll down the page, yet still choose from the menu options

Are you able to share the QVW from this post.   You mention CSS in your response to nagireddy, can you kidnly tell me how I apply CSS?

Kind Regards


Not applicable

Thats the CSS you need to modify. I would just snoop the HTML from chrome or whatever and figure out which css you need to actually change to get it to stick.

I put the code on github but its def not finished. It just worked for that one scenario. Try others and add more code

GitHub - a246530/stickyNavQlik: A Sticky Toolbar style sheet for qlikview