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Getting the calculated value into the input field


I am brainstorming here, and any help would be great!

I need to create an app that will calculate the provisional value of items, and then allow this provisional value to be saved to be referenced the next month.  The caviot is that the cost controler needs to be able to replace some calculated values if he deems them un-necessary, etc. 

So here is what I am thinking the steps could be :

Step 1 : Table 1 : calculate the provisional value by item, (this is based on multiple variables and dates related to the item)

Step 2 : The cost controler user can choose to keep the calculated value, or replace it (with an input field).

Step 3 : When the cost controler is finished with their check, they can click a button which will trigger a macro that saves the table. (to an xml, qvd, etc)

Step 4 : In another tab we can compare the saved values (and maybe the calculated values also) for this month, to the saved values for the previous month.  We will also have charts that show the saved provisional values by item type, etc for the selected month. 

I'm having trouble implementing these steps.  Here are some questions that I need some help with:

1./ Can my inputfield work in a graphic table (pivot or straight) ?

2./ Or is it possible to copy a calculated field from Table1 (pivot or straight) to Table2 (plain table with my input field) ?

Any ideas for a different way of going about this is also greatly accepted! 


1 Reply


I think that an input field isn't a great idea in this case.

You could calculate the previsional value by item and export it in excel with a store command.

Then you may keep the calculate value or replace excel

Qlik isn't a well data-entry tool..