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[HELP] how to make a bar chart like this one ?


i have a problem with a bar chart as a client requested..

we wanna see movement per product.

we use no dimension, we are only playing with expression with sum and if function..

and the bar chart that client wanna is like the picture below :

error loading image

- the "start position" is the sum of every product total sales

- "corporate" , "commercial" , "micro" , "computer finance" , "treasury" , "institutional" is the sum of every part of total product sale and represent with its own color

- "Final Position" is the part+start position;

example : corporate is with green;. "green color in start" + "green color above corporate" = "green color in final position"

i've tried to make it and the result is like the picture below :

error loading image

mw question is :

is QlikView able to make a barchart as the first picture present?

if QV is able to do that, then how?

please let me know..

many thx..

sorry for my bad explanation..


11 Replies

Can you give an example of how your data is formatted? Also - I do not understand the layout of the "corporate" , "commercial" , "micro" , "computer finance" , "treasury" , "institutional" segments. What determines if they are raised higher in the chart?

Partner - Specialist II
Partner - Specialist II


you have to enter an expression for the bar offset.

Not applicable


hi nathan..

it's formatted with numeric shows on the picture i gave

maybe it'll better if i tell more detail

1. i'm using no dimension

2. expression "Start Posision" is = sum(total_loan)

3. expression "corporate" is =sum(if(nama_product = 'KI' and direktorat = 'corporate',total_loan))

4. expression "commercial" is =sum(if(nama_product = 'KI' and direktorat = 'commercial',total_loan))

5. expression "micro" is =sum(if(nama_product = 'KI' and direktorat = 'micro',total_loan))

6. ....

7. expression "Final Posision" is =sum(total_loan)+sum(if(nama_product = 'KI' and direktorat = 'institutional',total_loan))

what do client want is that "Start Position" is also sum(total_loan) but in its bar has its own color for everi middle expression such as corporate, commercial, micro, consumer finance, treasury, not 1 color for its bar, but variaty color that represent its part.

Not applicable


Hi Martina..

can u tell me how to do that?

what do you mean by that?

sorry but i don't get it and i'm out of clue rite now..

thx Martina..

Partner - Specialist II
Partner - Specialist II

Hi, kribo.alim

can you upload an example? You find the bar offset in expression by click on the PLUS-sign, then yu enter here an expression, that calculate the offset for your bars.


Kribo - from your example it looks like you already know about the offset. What you're trying to do is have a mix of stacked and grouped dimensions with an offset bar for some of the dimensions. Sounds pretty tricky and not sure how you'd do that.

Not applicable


this is the example file :


i've tried that, but how to join some bar into that 1 bar ? so i'll get bars like "Start Position" and "Final Position" ?


i don't know much about bar offset, and i was trying but it didn't work

the first picture above, i edited with photoshop, which is what a client request


info :

1. first picture above is what they wanted
1a. they want "start position" as a summary of every part with its own color on 1 bar
1b. corporate, commercial, micro, consumer finance, treasury, institutional are summary data of every part with its own color and its own bar
1c. "final position" is [start position of a part] + [part summary]; and have its own color for every part on 1 bar

2. second picture "is what i've tried

3. "OASYS - tes.qvw" is a qvw file that i've tried to made

many thx..

i still can't solve the problem

Partner - Specialist II
Partner - Specialist II

Hi, kribo,

ok, now I understand and I agree with Nathan, I don't think that there is a way to show the first and last bar stacked and the other not! Pardon, I thought, you need help in bar offset!


Hey Kribo - take a look at the attached sheet. I have managed to recreate the necessary look but had to change the data to do so. I think you could achieve this by creating some additional tables to link to the data and form the necessary dimensions for the chart.

The other problem that I don't have time to solve was the dynamic Bar Offset value. I created a SET statement which I think should have worked (you can see it commented out in the Bar Offset of the Expression) - but it didn't. Perhaps you can find out why. In the meantime I created a value in the table to achieve the offset. I'm pretty sure you could generate this variable on load or something.

Hopefully will give you a few ideas. Smile