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Handling many tabs - Pick list using a multi-box

I am handling many tabs in my QV application with the following list box:

Screen Shot 2015-12-14 at 17.22.42.png

Within the sheet properties i have a conditional show based on the following expression:

=Match(QVUser(),'CHITEMERERE CHRIS') and if(GetFieldSelections(_View) = 'Patent Analytics', True(), False()) and user selecting the sheet to view from the multi box.

The fist part of the application limits sheet access to user 'CHITEMERERE CHRIS'.  If however another user with no access rights to the 'Patent Analytics' sheet selects 'Patent Analytics' in multi box depicted above, the application opens a tab which contains all the fields in my application which is as follows:

Screen Shot 2015-12-14 at 17.22.16.png

How can the application be configured to avoid this behaviour, say going to a default sheet like the 'Dashboard' or any other recommendations?

10 Replies
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Thanks Adam