I have a KPI that looks at appointments kept bases on wether the attendance time falls within two field times APPT_WINDOW_START and APPOINT_WINDOW_END. Is the attendance falls outside of these two dates its classed as a fail.
However what i want to do is allow the attendance to be before the APPT_WINDOW_START and allow this as a pass.
The KPI in the script is calculated as follows:-
SET vExp_MUIR_NEW_KPI_Pass_005 = "Num(COUNT({$< $(vExp_CanonicalFlag_APPT_WIN_START), $(vExp_WC_MUIR_NEW_GEN), $(vExp_Job_Status_Not_6), $(vExp_ApptKeptQualify_P), $(vExp_ApptKeptClient_P) >}[SK_APPTOPTIKEY]),'#0')";
SET vExp_MUIR_NEW_KPI_Fail_005 = "Num(COUNT({$< $(vExp_CanonicalFlag_APPT_WIN_START), $(vExp_WC_MUIR_NEW_GEN), $(vExp_Job_Status_Not_6), $(vExp_ApptKeptQualify_P), $(vExp_ApptKeptClient_F) >}[SK_APPTOPTIKEY]),'#0')";
The set analysis for (vExp_CanonicalFlag_APPT_WIN_START) is = [%%CANONICAL_FLAG]={'APPT'};
Does anyone have any ideas on how i can allow this specific KPI to allow attendances prior to the start date to go as a PASS. Is this just a case of removing the (vExp_CanonicalFlag_APPT_WIN_START) from the KPI itself?