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Hi all, i have a column name as fullname. I want separate the fullname as firstname,midname,lastname. By using mid function how can we extract this.
ex: full name: Alexander De khoo from this i want to separate
First name: Alexander
mid name: De
lastname: khoo
If you are always going to have a First, Mid and Last name you could use the following:
SubField(FullName, ' ', 1) as FirstName,
SubField(FullName, ' ', 2) as MidName,
SubField(FullName, ' ', 3) as LastName,
as mphekin12 said,u have to use the subfield function & based space position u can split name into 3 parts.
=mid('Alexander De khoo',1,10) returns the "Alexander" u can treat as first name
=mid('Alexander De khoo',11,2) returns the De treat as second name
=mid('Alexander De khoo',14,4) returns the khoo treat as last name..
Hope it will work
hi, I hope name is dynamic here..so the above example won't work for all the possibilities .
he supposed to use subfield()!
Hi,mphekin12 Thanks for reply, And your is correct But i want Using mid function how i can extract those.
Hi prabhas277 , I want to apply whole column at a time by using mid function.
Hello Ashok,
Below is the script you can try to separate your FullName to FirstName, MiddleName and LastName:
Load mid(FullName,1,index(FullName,' ',1)-1) as FirstName,
mid(FullName,index(FullName,' ',1)+1,index(FullName,' ',2)-(index(FullName,' ',1)+1)) as MiddleName,
mid(FullName,index(FullName,' ',2)+1) as LastName
from Table
FirstName = mid(FullName,1,index(FullName,' ',1)-1) (1st parameter is the string, 2nd parameter is the starting index, 3rd parameter first calculates the index position of the 1st space and subtracting 1 resulting the last character before 1st space.)
MiddleName = mid(FullName,index(FullName,' ',1)+1,index(FullName,' ',2)-(index(FullName,' ',1)+1)) (1st parameter is the string, 2nd parameter first calculates the index position of the 1st space and adding 1 to get the index position of the character after the 1st space, 3rd parameter subtractes the index position of the 1st space and 2nd space)
LastName = mid(FullName,index(FullName,' ',2)+1) (1st parameter is the string, 2nd parameter first calculates the index position of the 2nd space and adding 1 to get the index position of the character after the 1st space, 3rd parameter is not specified which means till the end)
Thanks and Regards,
and how about in the case of two first Names?
Hi Jonathan,
Two first names as in?
Can you please be specific with an example?
Thanks and Regards,