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How best to do this?


I have an app that  calculates the capacity_utilization of all the storage_space(s) we have in our building.

The challenge I am facing now is the following:

- There are several areas which have two so-called BINs (which items can be booked on in the database)

   => E.g., there is one receiving_area which has the BIN REC01 - but there is also the BIN QCREC01 for any items received on

         this area which have been quarantined for any reason - but it is the same physical storage_space, so it has only one "shared"


  => I want to list those two BINs separately in the Excel_database I have built for all the storage_spaces to keep that universally usable

      => In the QlikView_app itself, I have to do two things:

          - In loading from this Excel_database, I have to combine those BINs (REC01 and QCREC01 to stick with this example) ínto one;

          - In loading from a transactional table in our real company_database, I have to do likewise, making any items booked on

             QCREC01 appear as if they had been booked on REC01 etc.

Now, in principle, I think I can figure out how to do this. I just want to ask if there are any tricks to make this kind of task easier using maps or whatever - oh yeah, I can map both those Bins, REC01 and QCREC01, to just one, can't I?

Thanks a lot for any hints!

Best regards,


1 Solution

Accepted Solutions

Use Mapping Load...

REC01 to REC01

QCREC01 to REC01

View solution in original post

3 Replies

Use Mapping Load...

REC01 to REC01

QCREC01 to REC01



I guess that will be the best way to go.

Thank you!


Hi Manish,

I have made it. That works, using the same mapping_table on both sides - my own "capacity database" and the transactional database from the server.

Example: I have combined REC01 and QCREC01 - in my own capacity_database, there is only REC01 and in the transactional database from the server also, and all the items that were booked on REC01 and QCREC01 are now combined and appear as booked on REC01. So far, so good.

<=> But: That area still has two capacities coming from my own capacity_database (other fields are also still twofold) - how can I now proceed so that these have only one capacity?

P.S.: Oh, I think the easiest way will be to not load these from my capacity_database - I have a sheet there with BINs I want to ignore, I will just list all those on that sheet - I'll list QCREC01 there so only REC01 remains, so I'll have only one capacity etc.