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How to Create Null and Not Null Columns


I'm new to qlikview,

I have 12 fields ( SKU, PRODUCT_TYPE, LICENSE, BAND, etc..) each with different values or blanks.

I'm trying to create a pivot table or chart that gives me a count of all the null for each field and count of all the values for each field.

I can't seem to get this all on one table. I can have one table that gives me the nullcount for each field (done manually by writing each expression for each field). But I can't get a table that have the fields as rows and null/not null be two columns.

Can anyone help me or point me in the right direction?

Thanks a lot!@

14 Replies

Can You explain more clearly?

Master III
Master III

You can use system fields for this you can use $Field as dimension .

Go for cross join

Not applicable

Hi ! So I am pulling in 13 columns from an excel . And I want to count the null and not nulls for each column.

So I have a whole bunch of product skus and each of these skus have 12 attributes . Sku number and each of these attributes are a column in my data table .

So for example the chart I want to be able to have a count how many null and not null values i have for each of these attributes. Either in bar graph form or table form. Let me know if that clarifies it . If not ill try to give more detail!! Many thanks


Count(FieldName=' ')

and Count(Not IsNull(FieldName))


You can try the solution explained here: nullcounts of all fields

But it will be much easier if you replace the nulls with real values like '<NULL>'. See this document: NULL handling in QlikView.

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand
Not applicable


My data table looks like this, 12 attributes for each sku #.

sku   product_type     meter      band   .......

123     consumer          yes         a

345             -                   no         -

567       enterprise          -           -

and I want a table that looks like this, where it counts each attribute  of how many null values and not null values it has.

                         null  count         not null count

product_type       100                    200

Meter                     50                      50    

Band                      75                      25


etc...for all 12 attributes

Please help!

Not applicable

Hi do I put that in the actual script or write expressions for each in the table properties?

Because I end  up only getting something that looks like

                        null  count        

product_type       100                   

Meter                     50                     

Band                      75  

and I can't get the second column in there

Not applicable

Hi! how do I do a cross join? What am I joining? I have all the data on one table already.


yeah so what you can do is

In expression

1)Count(product_type=' ')

2)Count(Not IsNull(product_type))