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I have this problem.
I would like to assign to Customers their most recent Cluster (based on a calendar selection) and made calculation on their historical values, disregarding their previous cluster.
In attached a simple example for one Customer.
My aim is create a bar chart with Cluster as Dimension and Sum(qta actual)/Sum(qta prevoius) as expression (where actual means selected dates and prevoius means the corresponding dates of previous year).
Thanks a lot!
Please see the attached. This will help.
in this: Sum(qta actual)/Sum(qta prevoius)
you mean current year v/s previuos year?
Current year date v/s Previous year data?
Current Year Month v/s Previous year month
I mean Current Year Month v/s Previous year month
Thank you!
Take Cluster as a dimension, and expression is:
For Current Year v/s Previous Year :
=sum({<YearField={'=$(=max(YearField)'}>} QTA)/sum({<YearField={'=$(=(max(YearField)-1)'}>} QTA)
for rest see these threads:
The Magic of Set Analysis - Point In Time Reporting • Blog • AfterSync
It's not a problem related to point in time reporting.
It's related to the change of cluster.... I what the most recent cluster even if I consider values of other past cluster for the same customer.
Thank you
First of all, your clusters are not matching up with your expected output and keeping that in mind the results won't match, but see if this helps:
This period:
=Sum({<Date ={"$(='>=' & Date(Min(Date), 'YYYYMM') & '<=' & Date(Max(Date), 'YYYYMM'))"}>}Qta)
Previous period:
=Sum({<Date ={"$(='>=' & Date(AddYears(Min(Date), -1), 'YYYYMM') & '<=' & Date(AddYears(Max(Date), -1), 'YYYYMM'))"}>}Qta)
I think I got it now. Let me see if I can figure it out.
Try these two expressions:
=If(Cluster = FirstSortedValue(TOTAL Cluster, -Date), Sum(TOTAL{<Date ={"$(='>=' & Date(Min(Date), 'YYYYMM') & '<=' & Date(Max(Date), 'YYYYMM'))"}>}Qta))
=If(If(Cluster = FirstSortedValue(TOTAL Cluster, -Date), Sum(TOTAL{<Date ={"$(='>=' & Date(Min(Date), 'YYYYMM') & '<=' & Date(Max(Date), 'YYYYMM'))"}>}Qta)) > 0,
Sum(TOTAL {<Date ={"$(='>=' & Date(AddYears(Min(Date), -1), 'YYYYMM') & '<=' & Date(AddYears(Max(Date), -1), 'YYYYMM'))"}>}Qta))
Output Screenshots:
Please see the attached. This will help.
Nice way of doing it Kush