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How to calculate Sum of total

I want to calculate sum of total for following expression

(Sum (if(([Ledger Account]>=41112 AND [Ledger Account]<=41118) AND [Cost Centre]<201,

(if([Debit/Credit]=2,[Amount in EUR]*(-1),[Amount in EUR]))))

i tried

(Sum Total (if(([Ledger Account]>=41112 AND [Ledger Account]<=41118) AND [Cost Centre]<201,

(if([Debit/Credit]=2,[Amount in EUR]*(-1),[Amount in EUR])))) but its not working

Please help on this?

3 Replies
Partner - Specialist
Partner - Specialist

Hi Rahul,

If I understand your question correctly in a chart you can use within the expression the setting sum of rows.

Or you can use the Aggr function to do it.

If I didn't understood your question let me know

Not applicable

Hi Jeroen,

I want to calculate calculation highlighted in Red


In the last column i.e A expression i have written


if(([Ledger Account]>=41112 AND [Ledger Account]<=41118) AND ([Cost Centre]<201),

(if([Debit/Credit]=2,[Amount in EUR]*(-1),[Amount in EUR]))))


(Sum ( aggr( if(([Ledger Account]>=41112 AND [Ledger Account]<=41118) AND [Cost Centre]<201,

(if([Debit/Credit]=2,[Amount in EUR]*(-1),[Amount in EUR]))),[Cost Centre],Costcentre))


Sum (if(([Ledger Account]=41111) or ([Ledger Account]>=41119 and [Ledger Account]<= 41130)

and ([Cost Centre]>=201),

(if([Debit/Credit]=2,[Amount in EUR]*(-1),[Amount in EUR])))))

For referance i have attached QVW file to main post pls help me on this.


Partner - Specialist
Partner - Specialist

See attached file