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How to copy a sheet so the changes only apply to the new sheet

Hi –

I am trying to copy an existing sheet within my dashboard so I can maintain the layout but apply different set analysis to the exiting charts.  I’m noticing that when I make a copy of an existing sheet and then make changes to the new sheet, those changes are reflected in the original sheet and the newly copied sheet.   I thought that if I detached the copied sheet that would ensure that my changes were only applied in the newly copied sheet but that does not seem to be the case. 

Is it possible to copy a sheet, make changes to the various objects within that sheet while ensuring that it does not make those changes in the original sheet?

Any help would be much appreciated.

8 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

It sounds like the objects that you are changing are Linked Objects, and the link needs to be broken before you make the changes.  This is done by right clicking on the object and selecting 'Linked Objects' and 'Unlink This Object'.  You should then be able to make the change on just one sheet.

When you copy a sheet if an object on that sheet is already linked to another object then the object on the copied sheet will also be linked.  If an object on the copied sheet is not linked then the new object should not be linked.  It is important to stay on top of what is linked where - or things can get very confusing.

Hope that helps.


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Thanks for your response.  I'm not seeing 'Linked Objects' in either the sheet properties or in the properties of any of the objects on the sheet.  Please see the attached.  I'm running QV10.

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi there - the issue may then be tied in with the fact that the objects you are changing are in a container.  These only came in at version 10 and displayed some weird behavior in earlier releases.  Do the issues with changes to one sheet affecting the other also occur when changing the Change chart - that is not in a container?

What may be happening is that you are getting a new container on the new sheet - but that container is hosting the same two charts - hence changing it on one tab affects the other.  If you can copy the two charts out of the container so they are stand alone again you could then modify the copies of the charts before placing them back in the container on the new sheet.

- Steve

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I recommend you to remove the screenshot from your post.  It contains too much info that probably should not be available to general public.

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You are correct, the charts I am trying to modify are in a container.  That said, I'm still not clear how to copy the chart that is in a container from sheet 1, past that chart to sheet 2, make changes to the chart in sheet 2 and not have those changes reflected in the chart in sheet 1.

Also, now I am not able to copy the chart and paste it in to a new sheet.  Allow Copy/Clone is checked within the chart properties.  When I try to paste the chart to the new sheet, Paste Sheet Object is grayed out.

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

It was the case that you couldn't copy and paste out of a container.  A work around I have used in the past is to find the Object ID for the chart inside the container (usually something like CH10) and then create a new chart in the same document and change the Object ID to be the same as the one in the container.  Save the QV file to a new file and exit out.  When you open the newly saved document again you should find that your new chart has picked up all the attributes of the chart that is in the container.  This clone of the contained chart should then be copyable onto your new tab and can be contained in a new container. You will need to repeat this for each object within the original container.

This is undocumented territory and I suggest that you back up your document before giving this a go.

Alternatively, you may find it easier to recreate the charts from scratch on the new tab and use themes and format painting to make the new charts identical to the previous ones.

- Steve

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I ended up copying the entire container object to a new sheet, cloning the chart and then deleting the copied container object.  This worked for me.  Thanks for your help.

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i jus want to thanks you. All you idea have help me