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How to exclude data in QV?


I'm a beginner in QV but I know some SQL.

In my companys QV-file we read in all datas from our system.
But when I will extrakt the datas I would like as similar result as if I  had used "SELECT * FROM DB WHERE data_field NOT 'value1'".

What I got right now is "sum(Utfall_Belopp)" and I have a lot of info in my QV that I have to un-select.

Anyone that please can help me with a nice script.


11 Replies

No problem Mario.

If you can afford it then Qlik's designer/developer courses are very good.

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I had one, but almost a year ago, so it is some hours before I get back into it. There was no time to start in connection to the course, but the course was good.