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Contributor III
Contributor III

How to get /NoSecurity into a .vbs file

Good morning,

i am using windows task scheduler and a .vbs file to automatically run some qlikview files.

Here is the code of the .vbs file:

dim fso

dim MyDoc

dim MyApp

dim qvwVerzeichnis

dim vVerzeichnis

dim vDirectory

dim vDatei

Dim intZaehler

set MyApp = CreateObject("QlikTech.QlikView")

set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Set fso = New FileSystemObject

qvwVerzeichnis = "\\\QlikView\data\02_Betriebsorganisation\TELSTAR\"


  intZaehler = 0

  SET vVerzeichnis = fso.GetFolder("\\DENW0043VF001\43daten\000Versicherungstechnik\ACD-Reporting\Teamreports\")

  vDirectory = "\\DENW0043VF001\43daten\000Versicherungstechnik\ACD-Reporting\Teamreports\"

  'Anzahl der Dateien im Ordner (ohne Unterverzeichnisse):

  For Each vDatei In vVerzeichnis.Files

  'Prüfen, ob es eine Datei ist, die im Namen "Advocard Teamauswertung I HalfHr Prozent" enthält

  If Mid(vDatei.Name, 1, Len("Advocard Teamauswertung I HalfHr Prozent")) = "Advocard Teamauswertung I HalfHr Prozent" Then

       '-->Dateizähler erhöhen:

       intZaehler = intZaehler + 1

  End If


REM QVW-Datei Teamreports öffnen und Skript starten

if intZaehler >0 then

     set MyDoc = MyApp.OpenDoc (qvwVerzeichnis + "qvdACR_Teamstatistik.qvw","","")

     set ActiveDocument = MyDoc


     Set MyDoc = Nothing

     REM eingelesene Dateien in das Archivverzeichnis verschieben

     fso.MoveFile vDirectory + "Advocard Teamauswertung I HalfHr Prozent*.xls", vDirectory + "archiv\"

end if

REM TELSTAR-Datenmodell

  'QVW-Datei mit Datenmodell öffnen, Skript starten und speichern

  set MyDoc = MyApp.OpenDoc (qvwVerzeichnis + "TELSTAR_datenmodell.qvw","","")

  set ActiveDocument = MyDoc




  'QVW-Datei TELSTAR öffnen, Skript starten und speichern

  qvwVerzeichnis = "\\\QlikView\data\Prod\TELSTAR\" ' für produktiv auskommentieren

  set MyDoc = MyApp.OpenDoc (qvwVerzeichnis + "TELSTAR.qvw","","")

  set ActiveDocument = MyDoc



MyDoc.GetApplication.Quit 'Qlikview schließen

Set MyDoc = Nothing

Set MyApp = Nothing

Set fso = Nothing

As one can see, i am using vbs because I have to check whether there is at least a file in the directory, run the qvw and then move the files to a different directory.

Everything works fine except for the last file Telstar.qvw. Only for this one qv asks to manually replace the file:

150624 replace telstar.jpg

All other files are automatically saved even without using 'ActiveDocumentSave'.

In different discussions I read about '/NoScript'. Is it possible to add this command in the .vbs file. If so - where?

Or is there any other possibility to run these kind of scripts automatically.

regards, Falko

13 Replies

It will help if you answer the following questions:

  1. if you open the document manually and run Reload are you asked to save document?
  2. .vbs-script is running by the same user as User Preferences are set?
  3. does .qvw-file contain any macro or triggers?
Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

I think the problem is that this qvw has the "Initial Data Reduction..." option checked in Document Properties | Opening. If this option is set, then QV will automatically do a Save As... option to avoid the possibility of a reduced document overwriting the "unreduced" document.

Apart from clearing this option, I do not think there is a workaround, but perhaps someone else has an idea.

The same thing happens if you open the document in the desktop and then try to save it. You could possibly invoke Qv.exe with the /R option from your script. This does not have the same problem.

Logic will get you from a to b. Imagination will take you everywhere. - A Einstein

If so, problem may be solved by simply saving document before reload:

ActiveDocument.SaveAs ActiveDocument.GetPathName;




Contributor III
Contributor III

That's it!

the combination of yours and jonathan's answer finally made it for me!

Now I can really start to let task scheduler do it's daily job.

Thanks a lot!