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Good morning,
i am using windows task scheduler and a .vbs file to automatically run some qlikview files.
Here is the code of the .vbs file:
dim fso
dim MyDoc
dim MyApp
dim qvwVerzeichnis
dim vVerzeichnis
dim vDirectory
dim vDatei
Dim intZaehler
set MyApp = CreateObject("QlikTech.QlikView")
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Set fso = New FileSystemObject
qvwVerzeichnis = "\\\QlikView\data\02_Betriebsorganisation\TELSTAR\"
intZaehler = 0
SET vVerzeichnis = fso.GetFolder("\\DENW0043VF001\43daten\000Versicherungstechnik\ACD-Reporting\Teamreports\")
vDirectory = "\\DENW0043VF001\43daten\000Versicherungstechnik\ACD-Reporting\Teamreports\"
'Anzahl der Dateien im Ordner (ohne Unterverzeichnisse):
For Each vDatei In vVerzeichnis.Files
'Prüfen, ob es eine Datei ist, die im Namen "Advocard Teamauswertung I HalfHr Prozent" enthält
If Mid(vDatei.Name, 1, Len("Advocard Teamauswertung I HalfHr Prozent")) = "Advocard Teamauswertung I HalfHr Prozent" Then
'-->Dateizähler erhöhen:
intZaehler = intZaehler + 1
End If
REM QVW-Datei Teamreports öffnen und Skript starten
if intZaehler >0 then
set MyDoc = MyApp.OpenDoc (qvwVerzeichnis + "qvdACR_Teamstatistik.qvw","","")
set ActiveDocument = MyDoc
Set MyDoc = Nothing
REM eingelesene Dateien in das Archivverzeichnis verschieben
fso.MoveFile vDirectory + "Advocard Teamauswertung I HalfHr Prozent*.xls", vDirectory + "archiv\"
end if
REM TELSTAR-Datenmodell
'QVW-Datei mit Datenmodell öffnen, Skript starten und speichern
set MyDoc = MyApp.OpenDoc (qvwVerzeichnis + "TELSTAR_datenmodell.qvw","","")
set ActiveDocument = MyDoc
'QVW-Datei TELSTAR öffnen, Skript starten und speichern
qvwVerzeichnis = "\\\QlikView\data\Prod\TELSTAR\" ' für produktiv auskommentieren
set MyDoc = MyApp.OpenDoc (qvwVerzeichnis + "TELSTAR.qvw","","")
set ActiveDocument = MyDoc
MyDoc.GetApplication.Quit 'Qlikview schließen
Set MyDoc = Nothing
Set MyApp = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
As one can see, i am using vbs because I have to check whether there is at least a file in the directory, run the qvw and then move the files to a different directory.
Everything works fine except for the last file Telstar.qvw. Only for this one qv asks to manually replace the file:
All other files are automatically saved even without using 'ActiveDocumentSave'.
In different discussions I read about '/NoScript'. Is it possible to add this command in the .vbs file. If so - where?
Or is there any other possibility to run these kind of scripts automatically.
regards, Falko
If so, problem may be solved by simply saving document before reload:
ActiveDocument.SaveAs ActiveDocument.GetPathName;
Check the size of the TELSTAR.qvw.
Try by giving TELSTAR.qvw to other file name which is running fine.
Hope this will help.
Hi, Thom!
Try to use SaveAs instead Save:
Best regards,
Oleg Orlov
Thanks for the quick answers.
I tried both of them, but with no effect.
I figured out, that TELSTAR.qvw is saved when the script is started. I disabled the feature in my user settings, but it didn't help.
Any ideas?
Try to close the document. Test it only for TELSTAR.qvw (add rem to other code). And you should be sure that after using Reload method your macro is waiting while it will finish the reload.
ActiveDocument.SaveAs ActiveDocument.GetPathName;
So you can try it without using Reload. If it works without reloading the problem can be with sequence of commands.
Hello Oleg,
thanks again for your answer.
This really is crazy.
Every time I execute the .vbs-script qlikview asks me to overwrite the file TELSTAR.qvw. I have to confirm that I want to overwrite the existing file.
Even renaming the file and using different code as written did not work.
Qlikview asks me to confirm overwriting the file just as the command 'ActiveDocument.Reload' is executed. Directly before running the qv script. (I added a REM in front of the line 'ActiveDocument.SaveAs ActiveDocument.GetPathName').
This is the only file where I am asked to confirm anything.
I really have no clue...
You can turn off in User Preferences option Save Before Reload (Save tab).
already done
But if you open the document manually and run Reload are you asked to Save document?