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Hi All
In my load script , i have below script :-
If([Reporting Code]>=100 and [Reporting Code]<=374,'eXP') as [eXP],
And i make use of below expression it work fine for pivot table to display Exp by month :-
Now i am stuck when i try use of above expression , by Add YTD field , Hope some one can advise me. ( what i need is get the YTD expense amount. )
My imagine expression should be some thing like this , but it does not work :-
=sum(if(YTD and eXP='eXP',Amount))
But it return wrong value.
No, you don't need to select anything.
Might be useful if you uploaded a sample application.
do you have a YTD field in your data model? If so, your expression might be:
sum({$<YTD={'1'}, eXP={'eXP'}>} Amount)
If not, then maybe you have a year or date field you can use, in which case your expression might be:
sum({$<Year={'$(=max(Year))'}, eXP={'eXP'}>} Amount)
sum({$<Date={">=$(=YearStart(Max(Date)))"}, eXP={'eXP'}>} Amount)
Hope this helps.
Hi Marcus
When i try :-
sum({$<YTD={'1'}, eXP={'eXP'}>} Amount)
sum({$<Year={'$(=max(Year))'}, eXP={'eXP'}>} Amount)
it return wrong result , ( ya i do have YTD field and LY_YTD field ) , my head get very heavy , and i feel like give up , and want to take a break , suddenly i saw you also give me the last proposal , and i suddenly wake up because the value look good. i think it display for me YTD value.
sum({$<Date={">=$(=YearStart(Max(Date)))"}, eXP={'eXP'}>} Amount)
Now my question is how to modify the above expression , so that it will return me YTD last year value ?
assuming here that we're ok to use Today() as the basis of our calculation....
sum({$<Date={">=$(=AddYears(YearStart(Max(Date)),-1))<=$(=AddYears(Today(),-1))"}, eXP={'eXP')>} Amount)
or if Date just runs to today...
sum({$<Date={">=$(=AddYears(YearStart(Max(Date)), -1))<=$(=AddYears(Max(Date), -1))"}, eXP={'eXP'}>} Amount)
Hi Marcus
Yes i am okay to use today date for cal.
sum({$<Date={">=$(=AddYears(YearStart(Max(Date)), -1))<=$(=AddYears(Max(Date), -1))"}, eXP={'eXP'}>} Amount)
when i try the above expression , it return wrong value.
ok then try this:
sum({$<Date={">=$(=AddYears(YearStart(Today()),-1))<=$(=AddYears(Today(),-1))"}, eXP={'eXP')>} Amount)
Hi Marcus
I have try , it display null value or missing value.
I assume that when i use your expression , i don't need to select month = 10 and year = 2015 right ?
As i am using the expression in QS.
No, you don't need to select anything.
Might be useful if you uploaded a sample application.
Hi Marcus
After i rest for a while , and i make use of my existing SET expression and add the eXP='eXP' and now it work fine.
sum({$<year = {$(=max(year)-1)}, month = {"<=$(=max({<year={$(=max(year))}>} month))"},eXP='eXP')>}Amount/1/1000)
i can have a good night sleep now. Thank a lot