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My data has 2017 and 2016 years in it
I only want to show 2017 year in the selections.
How could I restrict this?
any thanks
May be like this
Aggr(Only({1<Year = {'2017'}>} period), period)
Hi, try with : =if(match(mid(Period,1,4),'2017')>0,Period)
or this
Aggr(Only({1<period = {"2017*"}>} period), period)
In the listbox properties field selection scroll down to the bottom of the list with fields and choose expression. For the expression use somthing like this:
=Aggr(Only({<period={'*'}-{"2016*"}>} period),period)
Thanks all for trying but they still show in the screen, usually looking something like below
On the general tab and not on the expressions tab
Thank you. I'm a bit of a novice at QV!