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For a try, I wrote this routine in VBScript
sub cleanUp()
set revSheet = ActiveDocument.Sheets("Revenues Summary")
set Pivot = revSheet.CreatePivotTable
Pivot.addDimension "Portfolio"
end sub
How to run the sub so that the object is created in the "Revenues Summary" sheet ?
Is the syntax for adding dimension appropriate ? How can I add as a dimension a field of the document (Portfolio field) ?
How can I debug this piece of code ? Will it exit with no message if there is some syntax mistake ?
Is it at all possible to launch a script in the Personal Edition ?
To run the sub, create either a button or a text object. Add an Action by going to the Action tab >> External >> Run Macro. Enter the name of the sub.
You can do a basic debug by pressing the "Check" button in the Edit Module dialog.
Thanks, is it also possible in the Personal Edition (see my other post)
Yes, doesn't matter if it's personal edition or licensed.