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I have dimension and expressions as below in pie chart.
Dimension1: =If(Match([ConsultName],'XX'),[ConsultName])
Dimension2: Status
Expression1: =Sum(Time_in)
Expression2: =Num(Sum(Time_in)/Sum(Total Time_in),'#,##0.00%')
the pie chart is showing percentages in value ate data points. I need the percentage values to display besdie Status legend as well. The Status have values Enter , Leave
Please can anyone suggest me how to set this.
Not sure why it is showing you 100% for both. Can you share the screen shot?
I have made improvements to the numbers based on your selection. Try this new one attached.
Amelia, something like this?
You can download this sample at: http://www.clever.com.br/downloads/Exemplo%20de%20dual%20para%20exibir%20rotulos.qvw
You try doing this.
presentation TAB-->Check show numbers in legend
You want to see % in legend? Try checking this option on Presentation tab:
Thanks. I have used this. but still not showing. is there anything am I missing to check/uncheck boxes?
Thanks. I have used this. but still not showing. is there anything am I missing to check/uncheck boxes?
Try pressing ctrl + shift to check if the legend box is big enough to show you the numbers.
Stretch the red line to extend the box for legend.
Thanks. I have tried this as well before. still not showing.
Hahahaha then the last resort for you would be to share your application or a sample
One more think,
Go to the Dimensions TAB and ensure that show legend is checked.