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How to write expression in straight or pivot table


I need to create one straight table or pivot table. I need to get Sum(Amount) where ActualID=AccountID. for each individual employee. The dimension is EmployeeID. But this EmployeeID and Amount are from one table, whereas ActualID is from another table.

Could any one help me how to write the expression please as it is urgent for me please


8 Replies
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Please can anyone help me as it is urgent

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Hi Amelia


Kindly let us know whether there is any relationship between the two tables ..If there is no relationship you cannot write an expression.

The other option that is available is you can create an link table and then write an expression

To know more about link tables you can refer this links


Have you tried : Sum(If(ActualID=AccountID, Amount)) ?  If this does not work, please share a sample app.

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Thanks it's not working. could you help me please as I am not getting any idea please.

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The above expression will work only if the tables are linked..Else it wont work

Create a link table and try with above expression from tresesco then it may work..

Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

I suggest that you provide more information, preferably your model with some sample data loaded, or at least an idea of the structure of your model.

Also, please explain "not working" - does this mean it return nothing (null), or returns an unexpected value. This information will make it easier for people to help you.



Logic will get you from a to b. Imagination will take you everywhere. - A Einstein
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Thanks and I created link table but still it's showing zero values . could you let me know is do I need to change in Link table

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Please attach a screenshot of your data model along with a set of dummy data so that it will be easy for us to help you.