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Hi All,
For an application, I need to ignore a certain search filter using Set Analysis into an aggregate function.
The AGGR function is:
=sum(aggr(_MachineInvoicePrice, [Machine Serial]))
The search filter [Claim Code] should not affect this calculation.
I did try the following solution without any result:
Sum(aggr({<[Claim Code]=>} _MachineInvoicePrice, [Machine Serial]))
But still, when I select the claim code, I see that the total of machine invoice prices changes.
How do I make sure the [Claim Code] filter can be set to anything, without affecting the total aggregation?
Thank you in advance
Try this:
=Sum({<[Claim Code]=>} Aggr(Only({<[Claim Code]=>}_MachineInvoicePrice), [Machine Serial]))
Try this:
aggr(sum( {< [Claim Code] =>} [Machine Serial] ), _MachineInvoicePrice)
Hi Varsha Vig,
Your formula does not work.
(I also tried switching [Machine Serial ] and _MachineInvoicePrice from position as that would make more sense)
In my dimension of the chart, I have for instance 'Countries'.
When I apply your formula, I only get a result back when there is only 1 record for that specific country. Otherwise the value is -.
Best regards,
Hi Nisse
If you need to use [Countries] as well, you will need to include it in the field list of AGGR function. So your expression would be:
sum(aggr(sum( {< [Claim Code] =>} _MachineInvoicePrice),[Machine Serial],[Countries])
Please consider attaching a small sample app so we can understand your issue better.
As for the AGGR function, remember it creates a virtual runtime mini-table from the fields you provide so it will lose resolution for [Countries] if you don't specify the field in the field list
I'm really very sorry,
I copy and pasted in the wrong place.
Try this:
aggr(sum( {< [Claim Code] =>} _MachineInvoicePrice),[Machine Serial])
If still you are stuck,
post a sample and screentshot of the desired output.
Try this:
=Sum({<[Claim Code]=>} Aggr(Only({<[Claim Code]=>}_MachineInvoicePrice), [Machine Serial]))
Hi Sunny,
Your formula does the trick. Selecting the Claim Code now does not affect the machine invoice price.
Many thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Best regards,