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Import Tab Sheet

Hello, Can I import tab sheet from other QlikView applications?I do not want copy and past. I want to make something like export...from application1 and application2.Is it possible?
10 Replies
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You can put sections of the load script in a text file, then use those in several applications. From the help...

$(Include = filename )
The include variable specifies a file that contains text that should be included in the script. The entire script can thus be put in a file.


I am not aware of a way of including a sheet containing tables and charts in another application; that does not mean it can't be done!

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Thanks for the reply!
My language is Portuguese, so do not know if I expressed myself correctly, or did not understand the answer.
I would like to use tabs for an application (qvw) in another, through the export / import, or something.
Today I open an application, open the tab I want, ctrl + a, for all the objects tab. Then I go in another application, layout .. (including tab) ctrl + v. ..
I'd like something more simple, due to the fact that I have to do this with many tabs. In other words, take them from one application to another. I am attaching several qvw in only one.
For macros I already know I can use the export script, and then include in another application (qvw). I can do something as simple as that for tabs?

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You can combine multiple QVWs, but remember, the underlying table structure and relations should be proper after combining. So do as following:

1. Include data from the QVWs (binary) to the target application.

2. Rebuild the target application and see the table relations in the viewer to make sure the relations are proper.

3. Copy/Add new objects to the target application.

For the sheet objects, I cannot see a further shortcut.


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Thanks Arun!

All relationships are right, always check. Just as expressions and dimensions.
I do not use binary because I use the QVD these applications, I export / import scripts of them, for the main application.
But from what I understand, the new tab just by inserting and gluing objects. Am I right?

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I don't have a better experience. Lte's wait if someone can gove you a more pleasing answer.

Good luck,


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Thank you for your help .. I will wait.


At least in QV 9 there is an option to Export/Import Document/Sheet Layout (File menu). Perhaps that could help.


Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

It would be interesting to know why you need to make so many copies. Are the applications duplicates of one another, just with different subsets of data? The typical way to handle this is to use a single application with data reduction.

Some other suggestions:

- You might find it easier to just copy the whole qvw file, delete the objects you don't need and update the script.

- Many of my apps have common objects (like date selections boxes) and common sheets. I use a template.qvw that has my common objects and copy that file when I start a new application.


Not applicable

I'll try to use the 9 and then tell what happens.