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Increase Performance in scripting side


this is venu,

I wan t know functions about to increase  performance on the load script?

thanks n regards


4 Replies


There is not any special functions to increase a performance.

1. But practice is that always use good naming abbreviations to be used for tables and the field names with alias names.

2. Load data in different stages for the data model and make QVD for that and use in the model.

3. In dashboard use final stage QVD for reporting.

4. Try to build business logic into the back-end means script part and use fields in the presentation in the charts.

5. If tables are big so apply incremental load for that and use qvd.

Hope this helps

Thanks & Regards

Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III

Hi, Venu.

In order to speed up the performance of your front end, try to make sure the app is optimized.

If you need to understand how to do this, either search this forum for optimization or have a look at this blog:



Not applicable

Hey Venu,

The best thing you can do to improve performance is make any calculations needed or data adjustments only 1 time during the load process. For instance if you are pulling a ton of data from a database and you need it for multiple applications, simply load the data 1 time in a script, do any transformations in that initial script and then save your data to QVD files that can be loaded by other applications in optimized form. I've also found that even if I'm only loading data from SQL for 1 application a "base load of the data" is a great time saver for me. I only need to run the extract from SQL 1 time save the data to QVD's. Then my "viewer application" can load data from those QVD's over and over as I require changes, change field names, combine fields etc.

Next big time saver is to utilize the WHERE clause when loading data. Say you are loading a list of surgical procedures that you need to track and the surgical procedure table contains a paitent ID value. Instead of loading all 10 gajillion patients in the system just load the patients WHERE the patient_id already exists because they had surgeries.

I've found that by following those 2 simple steps my loading is pretty quick for most applications.

If you have specific issues where you are encurring huge time sitting and waiting share those specifics and I'm sure someone can help you optimize those things.

Champion II
Champion II

I have seen that in script if you use distinct keywords.then load will be slight faster.

if in your script there is less transformations( use less functions) then load will be faster.but to improve performance @

Presentation side .coding should be inside script hence it will take few transformation and decrese load performance slighly.

hope this helps

Sunil Chauhan