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Input field workflow management

Hi Qliks!

I am considering to use the input field functionality to allow certain QV users to write comments in a cost report.

I have spent some time searching around for documentation and guidelines but it seems a little bit hard to find any good references (even the manual does not include very good information). I find from earlier posts on the forum that input fields in QV seem to have both pros and cons so I would like to know as much a possible before trying this out.

I would appreciate any feedback from past experience - especially regarding these issues though:

  • How can I restrict only specific users to be allowed to input values?
  • Will it be possible to setup other restrictions on input fields - e.g. allow only input in the first 3 business days of the month?
  • Can I extract any workflow stats afterwards like, user and time for the input?
  • Will QV keep the history of changes in case inputs are changed?
  • How are input fields related to data in QV 9, e.g. what will happen if the record is changed/deleted during script load?


Lars Madsen

3 Replies
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Hi Lars,

How did you work this out ? I'm thinking about doing something similar, using QV with inputboxes as a input form with workflow management, but I'm not sure if I should go the QV road or probably program something with .net webforms.

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Hi dragonauta

I didn't work this out with QV I must say. I have not managed to find a good way to do it so I have to make my inputs outside QV. Currently I'm just using simple spreadsheets uploaded to my Sharepoint environment.

It really bugs me though that I can not handle something like this directly in QV.


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Hi Lars

  • How can I restrict only specific users to be allowed to input values?

This can be done with the regular access restrictions in QV - then you can make a conditional show on the various objects/sheet, making it possible for only the selected few, to enter data in the inputfields.

  • Will it be possible to setup other restrictions on input fields - e.g. allow only input in the first 3 business days of the month?

It is so can enter data into all fields or no fields at all.

  • Can I extract any workflow stats afterwards like, user and time for the input?
  • Will QV keep the history of changes in case inputs are changed?

The only possible way I'm aware of, is to use a macro and then export all of your changesinto a csv (a qvo, qvd, txt or whatever you want) through a macro and then reload your application and join your input data onto your originaltable (perhaps you could concatenate data?)

  • How are input fields related to data in QV 9, e.g. what will happen if the record is changed/deleted during script load?

If you want to use the "Dynamic update" in v9, my understanding is, that the data will be lost, when you exits the application if you are connecting though a sharepoint, and not save the actual document with developer/enterprise.

The best thing I can come up with, is an exportfile as mentioned above and perform regular reloads (depending of your amount of data, it could be very time consuming)
