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Partner - Creator

Is it possible in Pivote ?

Hi All,

Is there any way with which we can force few columns of a pivote table to be always in Expanded state while remaining columns should be collapsed.

Kindly Suggest & Thank you in Advance. . .


As shown in above screenshot, I want first 2 columns to be always expanded , they should never get collapsed; While others should depend on user whether he wants to expand or want it collapse . . .

2 Replies
Creator III
Creator III

Hello Prasad,

This feature is not available in Pivot Table.

Qlikview has provided the functionality of keeping always fully expand. We do not have any control on any particular column so this is not possible.



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Master III
Master III


You  can try the option of Always Expanded...

Properties<<<<<<Prtesentation<<<<<<Check always expanded....

but as thakur said it is not for colomn based