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Hi All,
In my application i have around 20 tabs.
Requirement Is : when a user opened this application in mobile or Tablet. some times all tabs may or maynot visible to him.
i want to make all tabs should visible.
Is there any particular layouts for this?
I need your suggestions on this...if you have any sample app please send me it would be a better help for me.
Dear Rathnam,
Simple and easy way to show all the sheets. Repeat the following steps in every sheet.
Sheet Properties > Tab "General" > Select Radio Box "Conditional" > write value "1" > Apply > OK.
Kind regards,
Ishfaque Ahmed
See if this extension helps: dropdown menu extension
20 tabs to be displayed in teh dashboard that too in mobile/tablet may lead to improper display.
Instead of that we can make conditional hide/show of tabs
You can use the shortcut ctrl + shift + s to show all sheets or make it in a macro.
Hope this helps
Have a look at this:-
Add a Variable vTabShow
Add Show on Condition on the Sub Tabs
Add Triggers to Main Tabs
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