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I'm trying to create a button that opens a PDF file from an URL.
How can I force Qlikview to show the file in Adobe Reader rather than Internet Explorer?
I tested 2 approaches:
But generally, Adobe Reader is able to open URLs (File > Open > Insert URL works)
Please see the attached qvw (URL = dummy PDF file)
This works for me:
Action - Launch
Application - iexplore.exe
Filename - "C:\...\file.pdf"
Thank you Michael, but actually I'm trying to open a PDF via URL (e.g. http://www.terna.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Partner/Dokumente/terna_QV11_Whats_new_in_QV_11_de.pdf)
And: the PDF should be opened in Adobe Reader, rather than browser.
Any ideas?
I see now what you mean... But, what's wrong with opening the file in browser???
The main reason is: we have disabled all Internet Explorer toolbars (tabs, adress bar etc.) for our Qlikview environment. So, if the user opens a QV application, he just sees the IE title bar + the QV application itself.
Linking to a pdf via "Open URL" action opens the file in a new IE tab and now the user has no evident way to switch between the "QV tab" and "pdf tab" (due to the missing tab bar) ... You see what I mean?
Hi Florian
did you find a solution? I am facing the same problem
There is a way to do that in a macro where the pdf will be downloaded then opened with adobe.
But I did not test on server, just on qv desktop.
Here's the sample macro in vbscript where you'll change the paths accordingly, hope it'll be helpful:
sub openPDFfromURL
pdfurl = "weburl/yourpdffile.pdf"
savepath = "C:\Users\Test\Desktop\QVW\File.pdf"
adobepath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe"
set objHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
set objPDF = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
objHTTP.Open "GET", pdfurl, False
objPDF.Type = 1 'binary
objPDF.Write objHTTP.responseBody
objPDF.SaveToFile savepath, 2 'overwrite
'below can be set from launch trigger
set app = ActiveDocument.GetApplication
app.Launch adobepath, savepath
end sub
Make sure to change the security flag to "Allow system access".
Unfortunately not
Hi Florian,
Were you able to check my suggestion above with the macro ?
Or you tried it on the server and it didn't work ?
we solved the issue using https://www.webrunapps.com/
It's a small app for windows, which has to run in background. Downside: you have to install this app on each client where you need the fuctionality.
Regards, Erik