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List boxes with 30M unique entries makes Qlikview crawl

So far I have quite good experience with Qlikview.  However,  I feel now I have ran into a serious issue with large list boxes.

Take this simple script:


RecNo() as A, round(rand()*100000000) as B


It generated 30 million rows.  First column is a pure counter, and the second are random figures between 0 and 100 Million.

Now, If I create two listboxes of the two, and start to search for a number in column B,  the system grinds to a holdt as soon as I start typing. It seems as the system tries to search for each keystroke, and freezes between the.  Very annoyong indeed, though it eventually recovers perhaps 10 seconds.

Why do I need this?  Well, in my real application I have 30M rows.  One of the columns of the row is a unique transaction number of approximately 10 digits, and I want to search this occationally.

My questions are as follows:

* Am I pushing the boundries of Qlikview? Is this normal beaviour? 

* How should I otherwise solve this problem?

I'm running this on a i7-2600k with plenty of ram

3 Replies
Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Hi Johanfo2.

Which version of QV are you using?

I have never seen this when I have plenty of RAM and CPU available.

I've only seen this on very slow machines.


Both Qlikview 11 Beta, Personal Edition (64 bit) and Qv 10 SR3 (64 bit).

I just tried it on QlikView 10 SR3:

* Ran the script above

* Added two listboxes (A,B)

* Clicked on the frame of B and wrote '33456' (or whatever number)

Result:  Total freeze, which recovers after 15 second.  This is on a 4-core i7-2600K with 8 GB ram.

I believe everybody will get this problem, regardless hardware.



I'll add my own findings.  It seems as, since column "B" is a number, and my search (F3) enters a string-of-numbers, the system tries to convert all the numbers to strings before comparing.  If I on load wite:


RecNo() as A, Text(round(rand()*100000000)) as B


So that column B is text, not numbers, then the system doesn't hang on search!  Not a very easy "bug" to see.