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I have an interesting problem to solve.
So we have uploaded a database to QlikView, a database which has had such an issue that every time a user uploads new data entry, instead of rewriting the row with the same ID, it creates a new one with unique ID. The approach I have chosen is the loop inside the script that checks whether the two descriptions (in two columns) are equal, if yes - the script marks the ID as max, this way, every time the entry has matching descriptions, it chooses the one with the maximum ID. The loop seems to be okay but the problem is with the max attribution. Can anyone please have a look and comment on what might be changed? Would be glad for any help.
Bit of script is below.
LOAD R4Factor_ReportId, R4Factor_Id, R4Factor_General_EvalVolume, R4Factor_General_EvalMoney,
R4Factor_General_FreqPerYear, R4Factor_General_EvalVolume_Ost, R4Factor_General_EvalMoney_Ost,
R4Factor_General_FreqPerYear_Ost, R4Factor_DamageQuarterVolume, R4Factor_DamageYearVolume,
R4Factor_DamageQuarterMoney, R4Factor_DamageYearMoney, R4Factor_WeightRisk,
R4Factor_WeightArea, R4Factor_UpperLimitOfDamageQuarter, R4Factor_UpperLimitOfDamageYear,
R4Factor_RiskFactorName, R4Factor_BusinessDirectionName
FROM QVD\Report4_RiskFactors.qvd (qvd);
SET i = 1;
LET n = NoOfRows('Report4_RiskFactors');
DO while $(i) <= $(n)
SET j = 1;
LET max = 0;
DO while $(j) <= $(n)
LOAD Peek('R4Factor_RiskFactorName',$(i),'Report4_RiskFactors') as RiskName1;
LOAD Peek('R4Factor_RiskFactorName',$(j),'Report4_RiskFactors') as RiskName2;
LOAD Peek('R4Factor_BusinessDirectionName',$(i),'Report4_RiskFactors') as RiskBusinessDir1;
LOAD Peek('R4Factor_BusinessDirectionName',$(j),'Report4_RiskFactors') as RiskBusinessDir2;
LOAD Peek('R4Factor_Id',$(i),'Report4_RiskFactors') as RiskID1;
LOAD Peek('R4Factor_Id',$(j),'Report4_RiskFactors') as RiskID2;
if ((RiskName1 = RiskName2) and (RiskBusinessDir1 = RiskBusinessDir2))THEN
if (RiskID1 > RiskID2) THEN LET max = $(RiskID1); //as r4Factor_Id
elseif (RiskID2 > $(max)) THEN ($(max) = RiskID2);
end if
end if
$(j) = $(j)+1;
LOAD $(max) as r4Factor_Id;
$(i) = $(i)+1;
I think your code may be more complex than necessary. If you wanted to keep only the highest ID for duplicates and delete others:
Inner Join (Report4_RiskFactors)
LOAD max(R4Factor_Id) as R4Factor_Id
Resident Report4_RiskFactors
Group By R4Factor_RiskFactorName, R4Factor_BusinessDirectionName;
If you want to collect the max ids instead of deleting rows, remove the Inner Join.
I think your code may be more complex than necessary. If you wanted to keep only the highest ID for duplicates and delete others:
Inner Join (Report4_RiskFactors)
LOAD max(R4Factor_Id) as R4Factor_Id
Resident Report4_RiskFactors
Group By R4Factor_RiskFactorName, R4Factor_BusinessDirectionName;
If you want to collect the max ids instead of deleting rows, remove the Inner Join.