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I was in need of a solution to enhancement a Macro to compare values in variables before proceeding in my Macro. The solution works nicel and can be found here: http://community.qlik.com/thread/58147
However, I'm having a strange issue with this...
When I make selections which results in 605 rows of data. This value gets stored in the variable vRowCount. My maximum allowed, 500, is stored in vMaxRowCount. When I use the below Macro it behaves as expected:
Sub Export_View1
'First we determine which object and how many rows of data it has.
Set obj = ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject( "CH001" )
Set CellMatrix = obj.GetCells( CellRect )
'Then we update the variable vRowCount to be the number of rows of the object.
ActiveDocument.Variables("vRowCount").SetContent CellRect.Height,true
'Next we determine if the number of rows of the object is more than the maximum allowed.
'The maximum is allowed is stored in the variable vMaxRowCount.
'If it is then we display the message below in the MSGBOX:
If ActiveDocument.Variables("vRowCount").GetContent.String > ActiveDocument.Variables("vMaxRowCount").GetContent.String Then
MSGBOX "Transaction count is greater than 500. Please limit selections to 500 transactions or less."
'If it is not > the maximum allowed we then export the data to Excel:
ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject("CH001").CopyTableToClipboard true
Set XLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
XLApp.Visible = True
Set XLDoc = XLApp.Workbooks.Add
Set XLSheet = XLDoc.Worksheets(1)
XlSheet.Name="Custom Worksheet Name"
XLSheet.Paste XLSheet.Range("A1")
Set Selection = XLSheet.Cells
With Selection
.VerticalAlignment = 1
.WrapText = True
.Borders.ColorIndex = 0
.ColumnWidth = 11
'When the export finishes we display the below message:
MSGBOX "Export Complete!",VbInformation
End With
End If
End Sub
However, when I make selections which result in 4,592 rows of data it stores the value in vRowCount but still exports the data to Excel. It should display the MSGBOX and stop. Any ideas as to why it would do this?
Sub Export_View1
'First we determine which object and how many rows of data it has.
Set obj = ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject( "CH001" )
Set CellMatrix = obj.GetCells( CellRect )
'Then we update the variable vRowCount to be the number of rows of the object.
ActiveDocument.Variables("vRowCount").SetContent CellRect.Height,true
'Next we determine if the number of rows of the object is more than the maximum allowed.
'The maximum is allowed is stored in the variable vMaxRowCount.
'If it is then we display the message below in the MSGBOX:
If ActiveDocument.Variables("vRowCount").GetContent.String > ActiveDocument.Variables("vMaxRowCount").GetContent.String Then
MSGBOX "Transaction count is greater than 500. Please limit selections to 500 transactions or less."
'If it is not > the maximum allowed we then export the data to Excel:
ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject("CH001").CopyTableToClipboard true
Set XLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
XLApp.Visible = True
Set XLDoc = XLApp.Workbooks.Add
Set XLSheet = XLDoc.Worksheets(1)
XlSheet.Name="Custom Worksheet Name"
XLSheet.Paste XLSheet.Range("A1")
Set Selection = XLSheet.Cells
With Selection
.VerticalAlignment = 1
.WrapText = True
.Borders.ColorIndex = 0
.ColumnWidth = 11
'When the export finishes we display the below message:
MSGBOX "Export Complete!",VbInformation
End If
End Sub
Hi Celambarasan Adhimulam,
I don't see anything different in your reply than in the code I'm currently using. Can you elaborate on what your proposing?
End With is not usage. So you can remove that and run the macro..
Hope it helps
I need the End With for some of the styling I do in the export to Excel:
With Selection
.VerticalAlignment = 1
.WrapText = True
.Borders.ColorIndex = 0
.ColumnWidth = 11
The macro won't parse without ending that.
Did you check the
ActiveDocument.Variables("vRowCount").SetContent CellRect.Height,true in msgbox and find the what value assign for it..By check this,and also check
Hope it helps