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Macro fails to create Excel spreadsheet

Hi All,

I had created two macros for a QlikView report. 1 to export charts to Powerpoint application and 2 to export tables and charts to Excel spreadsheet.

My powerpoint export works perfectly whereas when I click on exporting to excel I get the following error. It worked fine for 6 months and suddenly since December start I and my users are facing this error.

No error message to specify the reason of failure. This has happened to myself and a number of my users.

Our module security is set to the first option. Unsure of what has caused this sudden issue.

Any ideas to rectify this issue?

Any help is greatly appreciated.



5 Replies

I Assume, You may have more than the limitation of rows in excel. Can you do same thing with CSV and then check whether it will work or not. If so, You are exceeded on Excel.

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful

Hi Anil,

Thanks for the reply.

This issue is not specific to just one report. All my reports with export to excel option seems to have the same issue.

Is this common?



Which client is in use - desktop client or IE plugin? Was there any changes by the qlik-, os- or browser-releases or by any settings?

- Marcus


Hi Marcus,

This is in desktop client and in IE plugin. In desktop client - it takes me to the macro script  and in IE gives the Macro parse error.

I was able to partially extract once in the past hour but it just crashed my QV client.

am not sure if there were any changes to Plugin. I am not sure about the others, however I suppose it may have.




I would execute the routine from the modul-editor - sometimes it gives you then an error-message within the first row above the window (beside the button check). If not you could add some msgbox-statements to see/find the place where the execution breaks and to check your variables - maybe path/ffilenames or objectnames or similar has been changed.

Also useful could it be to add an on error resume next before your problem and after it to return the error with msgbox err.number.

- Marcus