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Creator III
Creator III

Macro on open for Fiscal Year

All- any idea or recommendations for having a MACRO or something equivalent select the correct FY and correct FM based on a date? I have Fiscal Yearand Fiscal Month in the data model, however, i am stuck. Any ideas?

Below  is my MACRO for CY and selection of todays date, which works perfect for Calendar Year.

sub OnOpen
If ActiveDocument.Evaluate("Day(today())") = "1" and ActiveDocument.Evaluate("Month(today())") = "Jan" Then
set y=ActiveDocument.Fields("Year")
set m=ActiveDocument.Fields("Month")
y.Select ActiveDocument.Evaluate("Year(today())-1")
m.Select ">= 1" & "<=12"

If ActiveDocument.Evaluate("Day(today())") = "1" Then
set y=ActiveDocument.Fields("Year")
set m=ActiveDocument.Fields("Month")
y.Select ActiveDocument.Evaluate("Year(today())")
m.Select ">= 1" & "<" & ActiveDocument.Evaluate("num(month(today()))")


set y=ActiveDocument.Fields("Year")
set m=ActiveDocument.Fields("Month")
y.Select ActiveDocument.Evaluate("Year(today())")
m.Select ">= 1" & "<=" & ActiveDocument.Evaluate("num(month(today()))")
end if
end if
end sub

14 Replies
Not applicable


I dont think macro is needed for this case. This can managed with select in field action. Add select in field action and add FY as filed and search string as =Year(Today()-1).

Similarly for FM, trick is to make sure that expression return and field data formats are same.


Creator III
Creator III

I need the dashboard to automatically open up to the cprrectfiscal dates base don todays date..... I ahevnt used select in field action.. If my date is FiscalMonth, how owuld that work?

Not applicable

Let me try to understand the scenario: there is an application which when opened should set the calendar filters on fiscal year and month based on today's date. Is that right?


Creator III
Creator III

Yes, on open, it should set the correct Fiscal Dates based on todays date. Thus, if the dates was 9.28.12, it would know thats October 2013, for example

Not applicable

Enclosed a example where a field (year) is set based on todays date. Refer "on document open trigger".

Similarly identify the fields where the filters has to be set and apply filters on open.


Creator III
Creator III

Kirn, maybe im not making myself clear. I understand the year -1 functio however, FiscalYear won work that way. If todays date is 10/2/12, the Fiscal yearwould be 2013... Yet once we are in Jan - Sep 2013, the year would still be 2013... any idea are apprecaieted

Not applicable


For fiscal years the start date of the year is other than jan-1st. In that case you can use function like yearname to set the offset of the month.

In India we have Apr-Mar as Fyear. For getting Fyear function I use yearname(today(),0,4). 4 indicates apr is first month. This returns 2012-2013, on which string functions (like subfield) can be applied to get desired string.

You can find more in help section for yearname().



Master II
Master II

=if(Month(Today()<10), Year(Today()), Year(Today())-1)

Creator III
Creator III

Thanks WHiteline, but how would one go about adressing the correct month/ I.e Fiscal Month October runs from 9/28/12- 10/27/12?, based on todays date?