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Macro to store Inputfield Values

Hey everyone,

Im developing a production planning report, multiple users will use this report and some sort of inputfield is required to adjust the inventory stocks.

What i want to do to solve this problem is creating a macro to store the inputfield value to qvd (or excel really dont mind) to adjust the inventory.

anyone has ever did something similar and can give me some advice?


Juan Pedro 

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions


Try the attached example.

You can load source data, edit values, store partial changes or restore last saved data.

View solution in original post

6 Replies

Put your inputfields in (several) tables (in a hidden sheet and perhaps mit additional data, like the qvw, object, user, date or timestamp, keys and so on) which only serve to export into a desired format.

Then the user could click on a button and the export-macro runs. Before the export will execute the macro should check if certain selections are set or not and then set the required selections or breakup with message to the user.

- Marcus

Not applicable

Hey Marcus first of all thnks for your anserw,

Marcus Sommer ha scritto:

Then the user could click on a button and the export-macro runs. Before the export will execute the macro should check if certain selections are set or not and then set the required selections or breakup with message to the user.

- Marcus

This part is more than clear to me   and your solution idea is identical to mine.

My doubt is more related to the VBS part of the solution since i dont really know how to extract the value from the inputfield since in my applications i only extracted fields with selections made in it.

Hope my requirment is clear since my english is more than rusty


Juan Pedro


It's from an old (dead?) project which is always on an alpha-level, but the export worked fine. I hope it is helpful.

sub export

dim doc, fld, fldArea, fldClear, i, ii, msg, check, ex_shop, ex_wert, path, user, zeit, dauer, puffer, msg1, ex_bruttonetto

Set doc = ActiveDocument
Set user = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
user = user.UserName
dauer = now()

path = "Path"
zeit = mid(now(), 1, 10) & "-" & mid(now(), 12, 2) & "." & mid(now(), 15, 2)
fldArea = array("PlanArt", "Szenario", "Version") '"Index_4",
fldClear = array("Jahr", "Monat", "Art", "Bereich", "O-Kategorie", "H-Kategorie", "Kategorie", "Kategorie_BN", "Kanal", "Konzept")
check = true
msg = ""

for i = 0 to ubound(fldArea)
set fld = doc.GetField(fldArea(i))
'msgbox fldArea(i) & chr(10) & fld.GetValueCount(1)
ii = fld.GetValueCount(1)
if ii = 0 or ii > 1 then
msg = msg & "Bitte das Feld """ & fldArea(i) & """ selektieren." & chr(10)
check = false
end if

if check = false then
msgbox "Die folgenden Felder dürfen jeweils nur eine einzelne Selektion aufweisen!" & chr(10) & chr(10) & msg
set doc = nothing
set fld = nothing
set user = nothing
exit sub
end if

'Feldselektionen aufheben, damit immer ein vollständiger Planungsstand gespeichert wird
'Ursprungsselektion auslesen und nach Export wieder setzen --> eventl. per Bookmark ???
for i = 0 to ubound(fldClear)
doc.Fields(fldClear(i)).Clear next

'Verhindern, daß der Export über einen Minutenwechsel hin statt findet --> Matching-Index wäre dann nicht mehr identisch
if right(formatdatetime(now(), vblongtime), 2) * 1 >= 45 then
puffer = 61 - (right(formatdatetime(now(), vblongtime), 2) * 1)
ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 61000 - (right(formatdatetime(now(), vblongtime), 2) * 1000)
end if

set ex_shop = doc.GetSheetObject("CH284")
ex_shop.Export path & "Shopanzahlen\ShopAnzahlen" & "_" & user & "_" & zeit & ".txt",";"

set ex_wert = doc.GetSheetObject("CH292")
ex_wert.Export path & "Wert\Wert" & "_" & user & "_" & zeit & ".txt",";"

set ex_bruttonetto = doc.GetSheetObject("CH316")
ex_bruttonetto.Export path & "BruttoNetto\BruttoNetto" & "_" & user & "_" & zeit & ".txt",";"


dauer = formatdatetime(now() - dauer, 2)
if puffer > 0 then puffer = "(Pufferzeit: " & puffer & ")"
msg1 = "Daten erfolgreich gespeichert und neu in die Anwendung eingeladen" & chr(10) & chr(10)
msg1 = msg1 & "Dauer: " & formatdatetime(now() - dauer, vblongtime) & chr(10) & puffer

msgbox msg1

set doc = nothing
set fld = nothing
set user = nothing
set ex_shop = nothing
set ex_wert = nothing

end sub

- Marcus

Not applicable

Thnk You this is what i wanted   will adapt the code you posted next monday and mark your anserw as correct as soon as im done!

Have a nice week end.

Juan Pedro



Try the attached example.

You can load source data, edit values, store partial changes or restore last saved data.

Not applicable

Very Clean and simple solution.

Thnks for sharing. Exactly what i needed ++


Juan Pedro