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I need to write a logic in the load script for the below scenario. Could you please suggest the best way to achieve that
I need to map the keyword for the respective code in the QVD based on the below condition.I have multiple scenarios to check like if the letter is greater than 2000 and the Author does not equal or equals to a specific name. I have tried with mapping load but I ended with multiple mapping tables
My QVD has Code, Letter & Author
Mapping sheet
Code Letter Author Keyword
A 2500 QQ Ok
A 1500 BB SS
B 1800 CC VV
B 2800 QQ Ok
You can try with nested if condition something like below
If(Letter > 2500 and Author= 'QQ', 'OK', If(Author = 'BB', 'SS', 'VV')) as Keyword
Multi-dimension mapping enables you to define member mapping based on multiple source column values. This functionality provides you with the ability to load data into dimensions unavailable in the target application. For example, the mapping for Account dimension can be based on source values of Entity, Product, and Project. Multi-dimension mappings derive the target values based on the combination of source values. In addition, Lookup dimensions can be added to Target Application registration. These dimensions contain source dimensions that do not exist in the target application. They provide even more flexibility in creating multi-dimension filters. It is a way to facilitate conditional data loading. One Vanilla
I have attached some sample here.My actually list is very huge
Do you mean any extension?