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Matrix input fields, Navigation latency when expanded entirely

We have built a matrix with input fields. The matrix has three breakdown rows and two columns and the measure which is an input field is editable and holds numeric values.

The Matrix holds 2200 cells when filtered on one row, the navigation is agile and flawless, when displayed entirely navigation from a cell to another one becomes considerably slow.

3 Replies
Partner - Master
Partner - Master


Input fields ‒ QlikView‌ - "Input fields are not meant for large amounts of data, as they store data significantly less efficiently than regular fields."

Apparently you use too many input fields.




Thank you Andrey for this feedback,

Each input field holds only one numeric value ranging from 1 to 5.

It is true we have lots of them but do you know what is meant by less efficiently for large amount of data, is it the data that you enter in an input field or the number of input fields?

Partner - Master
Partner - Master

It seems to me that in this case a direct comparison is not entirely correct, since there will be different initial data for these two cases.

To measure in practice to measure  the slowdown of data processing when using input fields, the following experiment can be performed.

1) To create with the help of LOAD... Autogenerate  2-4 data sets of dimension from several hundred to several hundred thousand (and maybe even millions) of lines.

2) For each of the arrays, to use 2-4 sets of input fields, for example, 10, 100, 500, 1000.

Based on the results of working with 4-16 different sets of data / input fields, it is already possible to do some mathematical evaluation of various options for using input fields.

As far as I know, developers do not recommend to abuse the number of input fields  in applications.