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Specialist II
Specialist II

Median Calculation


I had a simple rquirement, but not getting the solution. May be missing something..


There is 3 fields in one table.(Fields: Firm_Name, Time_Period, Hours). I want to calculate the Median of the Hours and correponding Firm_Name.

Dimension : Time_Period

Expressions: Median, Firm_Name( corresponding to the Median value)


If the count is Odd number then there is no issue.--- Median(Hours)

If the count is Even then, the median value doesn't match to any existing Hours value. So I am not able to display the Firm_Name. So I want to  dispaly the middle 2 values and its correposnding Firm_Name.

Ex: 6,9,2,5,10,7 (After sorting... 2,5,6,7,9,10)

     Here I want to display the values 6 & 7 and its coresponding Firm_Name.

Thanks in advance...

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