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I am trying to replicate some of the charting that we currently do in excel within QlikView/QlikSense without much luck and I was wondering whether anyone has come across a suitable solution.
I have series date of commodities with weekly series date and a series values. The series data I have goes back some 20 years. The objective is to replicate the charts in the attached document.
Objective: To replicate the excel based charting within QlikView/QlikSense (see attached)
Dimension: Series Date (Week of Year)
What you need is an expression for all 5 measures.
So in your expression you will have to either hard code the year or make it dynamic using the functions.
And remove the second dimension year from chart.
This presentation is pretty doable.
Kaushik Solanki
Thanks Kaushik
I've been able to create the five measures (2017, 2016 series, Min, Max and Avg Series)
SUM({$<series_year={2017}>} series_value)
SUM({$<series_year={2016}>} series_value)
MIN({$<series_year={2012, 2013,2014,2015}>} series_value)
MAX({$<series_year={2012, 2013,2014,2015}>} series_value)
AVG({$<series_year={2012, 2013,2014,2015}>} series_value)
I have attached an example of the visual for one series. But how can I achieve the visulaisation of the shading between the min and max that I can achieve in Excel?
See this.
Kaushik Solanki
Thank you Kaushik
However this is purely area chart with two measures. What I want to achieve is a combination of area chart and line chart.
For measures 2017, 2016 series and Average I need a line chart.
For measures Min and Max I need an area chart.
Of course the 2017,2016 and Avg measures but be overlayed on top of the shading.
Is this possible in QlikView/Sense?