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Hello all,
I am facing a problem I am not able to understand: I am concatenig several rows from another table to the Fatcs table, something like:
concatenate (FactsTable)
Load *, ....
This works perfectly when I am developing the document and when I reload it from QlikView Desktop. But, when the document is saved and opened back (no matter if it is in Qv Desktop or in the QlikView Server), the rows under Extra_Data have disappeared - over and over again.
Could anyone let me know what a I doing wrong?
Many thanks!
Hi Salto,
do you have any section access within the application which is reducing the data down?
when the table Extra_Data: is in the script pls try when you remove/comment it. Why do you need it ?
the Extra_Data table has rows I would like to abe added to the Facts table.
When I load the document manually in QV desktop, the rows appear. But when I save & close the document, and open it again, they do not appear anymore. Honestly I cannot find an explanation to this. Does anyone have faced this issue?
Hi Salto,
do you have any section access within the application which is reducing the data down?
Hello joe,
After browsing similar past queries in the community I was considering that option right now - Will let you know! Thank you.
No worries glad to be of help, let me know the outcome!
okay, but pls check your script again... concatenating would have a syntax like the following:
Fact_Table: NoConcatenate
load * resident Table1;
load * resident Table2;
table 1 and 2 are now in the Fact_Table
hope it helps you
The problem was just that - now it is showing all the records! Seems so basic question now!
Thanks a lot.
Hi Felix,
thank you - the concatenation syntax is correct in my script, the issue ws the data reduction I was not considering.
Ah good stuff, glad it's sorted now