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I am using scatter chart. I am using 4 expressions in that 2 expressions grouped using as cyclic group.
I have the data for 12 months. But my requirement is to show one month at a time like either cyclic group or in list box i need to show the chart April for now but they need to select if they want to see the previous months data. Can i know the expression to show only one month at a time.
I have month name as dimension. expressions are Sum(rowno()),Sum(hrs) and Sum(hrs)>2. I need to show in the same chart one month at atime.
can any one help on this?
Try this -
= Sum({<Month = {'April'}>}Sales)
Thank you!
Would it be based on month selection?
If so, a variable will have to be used for month selected and used in set analysis expression
Can you show us?
Thank you!
Hi Ishtdeep,
if you delcare Vfromdate and Vtodate as variables ,
you can use them in set analysis as follow
Sum( {$<SalesDate={'>=$(=Date(vFromDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD'))<=$(=Date(vToDate, 'YYYY-MM- DD'))'}>} Value )
Thank you
Try like this.
Date(MonthStart(Date),'MMM-YY') as Month,
Sum( {$<Month={"$(=Date(Max(Month),'MMM-YY'))"}>} Amount )
Sum( {$<Month={"$(=Date(AddMonths(Max(Month),-1),'MMM-YY'))"}>} Amount )
Following link helped me earlier in one of my situation....