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I just need a brief explanation about P&L statements used in qlikview. I glanced the link How to Create a Profit and Loss Statement in QlikView but i couldn't get much clarity about it. Please provide me a better reference link or an example for me to understand this concept.
The link above already contains all the information you need, including examples. What seems to be the problem, specifically?
In this How to Create a Profit and Loss Statement in QlikView document, I saw the video explaining about the whole report creation. I couldn't understand why we use the intervalmatch function. I get the whole logic behind the calculations and expressions part, but i don't know why there's a creation of inline statements and intervalmatch function.
Here I dont know why we create a inline statement.
Second, I dont know why we use intervalmatch function:
In this context, IntervalMatch is used to assign each line in the data to the correct sections of the P&L report. Unlike typical reporting, P&L reports often display the same line multiple times - for example, a sales line might be displayed in Gross Sales, Net Sales, Gross Margin, Operating Income, and Net Income. This means we can't assign it the "normal" way. Instead, the process used it to read the lines, read (and enumerate) the sections, and then use IntervalMatch to load the lines into the appropriate sections.